Yin Li | 李茵 | Lynne

I am a 5th-year PhD student at Information Science in the College of Computing and Information Science at Cornell University advised by Rajalakshmi Nandakumar and co-advised by Tanzeem Choudhury.
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[0] Y.Li, R.Nandakumar. WixUp: A General Data Augmentation Framework for Wireless Perception in Tracking of Humans


[1] Y.Li, R.Nandakumar. CoPlay: Audio-agnostic Cognitive Scaling for Acoustic Sensing


[3] Y.Li, R.Nandakumar. A Cognitive Scaling Mixer for Concurrent Ultrasound Sensing and Music Playback in Smart Devices
Proceedings of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Week 2023 May 2023Pages 260–265. CPS-IoT Week 2023, San Antonio, U.S.


[5] J.Sun*, Y.Li*, L.Shi, J.Lee, X.Liu, C.Chen, Y.Huang, Z.Zhang, L.Huang, W.Xu. FDHelper: Assist Unsupervised Fraud Detection Experts with Interactive Feature Selection and Evaluation.
In Proc of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM CHI 2020, Hawaii, U.S.


[6] Y.Li, S.Zhang. Combo-Pre: A Combination Link Prediction Method in Opportunistic Networks.
In Proc of ICCCN 2015 WiMAN Workshop, Las Vegas, U.S.


[7] Y.Li, S.Zhang, X.Zhao, H.Tang, Q.Wang. Dynamics Nature and Link Prediction Methods in Opportunistic Networks.
In Proc of IEEE I-SPAN 2014, Chengdu, China.


[8] S.Zhang, D.Huang, Y.Li. Prediction-Based Routing Methods in Opportunistic Networks.
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 9. 3851-3866. 10.3837/tiis.2015.10.005.


[9] Q.Yang, H.Tang, X.Zhao, Y.Li, S.Zhang. Dolphin: Ultrasonic-Based Gesture Recognition on Smartphone Platform.
In Proc of IEEE I-SPAN 2014, Chengdu, China.



  • TA: INFO6120/4120, Ubiquitous Computing
  • TA: CS/INFO5304, Data Science in the Wild
  • TA: CS5787, Deep Learning
  • TA: CS5785, Applied Machine Learning


🐸  was at Tsinghua University(2016-2019, Master's in CS) and Southeast University(2012-2016, Bachelor's in CS)